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MBA Leadership Development Academy Diversity in Leadership Scholarship

The Minnesota Banker’s Association Leadership Development Academy (LDA) is the premier industry program for cultivating high-performing leaders. The MBA offers one (1) scholarship for the LDA each year to bankers who are members of the following traditionally underrepresented groups: Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian, Transgender, Queer (GBLTQ) and/or disabled persons. Each scholarship will cover 100% of the program tuition (currently $4,299).  

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Graduate School of Banking at Colorado  

The Bolder Banking Scholarship aims to highlight bold leaders in the community banking industry by sharing innovative information and ideas with fellow bankers. The annual scholarship will be awarded to a member bank with the bank then choosing the individual within their organization who will receive it.  Bolder Banking Scholarship recipient banks are expected to enroll one of their employees at GSBC within three (3) calendar years after receiving the award. GSBC will fund the scholarship, worth one-third of tuition for the Annual School Session.

Scholarship applications closed for 2025.

Graduate School of Banking – Madison

Since 1945, the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (GSB) has helped develop banking leaders through a program of advanced management education. MBA is proud to offer one scholarship to a member banker enrolling as a freshman for the 2025 session. The scholarship recipient will receive a $1,500 tuition discount for each of the three program years.

Application deadline: March 3, 2025
Recipient announced: April 21, 2025

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Scholarship Nomination Form (pdf)

Graduate School of Banking – Madison HR School

Human Resource Management School is a respected one-week school that provides the foundation for new or veteran human resource professionals to tie together important issues in human resource management with an understanding of the business of banking. MBA offers one scholarship to a member banker enrolling in the 2025 session. The scholarship recipient will receive a $700 tuition discount.

Scholarship applications closed for 2025.